New Year's Eve:
I, Lydia, dad and Erik were at the north harbour and watched the traditional fireworks.

It was really hard to take some good pictures, but I've got them.
4-5/1, Horror Eve:
The horror eve is something that is in every holliday. We get together some friends and watch horror movies.
Me and my cool hair as it looked in the begining of the evening! :P
Elini & Dannini! :)
Moe looking crazy as usual and no, she is not drunk...
Philip (Danninis cousin and Moes boyfriend) and Julia (my mothers cousins doughter (dont know the english term of that))
Adam, Danninis neighbour, trying Fiis bracelet.
Lii, my beloved sister, looking tired. aww...
Fii, my othe beloved sister: Japanese-addict! :P
Sausage whit catfood in it, Moe were going to eat it cuz she lost a bet...
And she did it!!
Here is the proof, Haha!! She is a vegeterian. :P
Me in the morning after we got home. Is it possible to turn the light of in the sky?? :P Got a HUGE headache there, and really mutch mousé and hairspray in my hair. Had to use shampoo fore times before everything was gone!
6/1, Gathering at our place:
After everyone had sleapt for a long time I and Lii invited some friends for some coffee.
A really bad pictur at me, waiting for everyone to arrive.
Dannini was first to arrive...
...whit Dii (my cousin), they live on the same street (if you can call it a street). She is totaly unable to keep he thoung in her mouth in pictures.
Philip and Moe was there ten minutes after Dii and Dannini. They are looking really serious, or at least Philip. Moe looks like she just throw up.
But, if you ask me, it didn't took long for her to be her normal again.
After a while (two hours) Dii had to goe home and I, Lii, Dannini, Philip and Moe went to Moes place and watched a game that everyone, exept me, think is soo scary. It was a girl who was in a dream and were going to kill ghosts whit a camera. The ghosts coomes up whitout a warning and everytime they did Lii, Moe and Dannini jumped high of fear. Philip didn't becaus he was the one that played it, don't know how scarry he thinks it is. I didn't thought it was so scarry, the only time i jumped a little was when the ghost whit the axe showed up cuz he was so loud. I usaly don't like this type of games, to little shotguns, and to mutch unrealistic things, games should be like Quake 4 if I'm gonna like them.
This is Dannini, picture by Lii, in Moes room. She is looking at the game.
Philip and Tim (Timothy, Moes youngest brother) after the game, we were listening to some depressing songs.
7/1, in Bomans slope:
When we were at my place we decided to go to the slalom slope (called Bomans slope),But Moe and Philip didn't show up, betrayers... But it was fun anyway!
Me in the hut to get warm and the chocklat was great!
Lii, smiling like a freak. :)
Dennis, a guy from our village, trying to get out. I was the only one who got a picture of him. Hope he won't get mad for me publising it here...
Dannini in the hut.
Dii, trying to pose! :P
Dii and Dannini in the snow.
After we got picked up we went to Dii to relax. Dannini were going to leave Philip at the train station, so it was just me, Lii and Dii.
Dii beating Lii in air-hockey.
After both I and Lii got beaten in air-hockey we played "Schrek 2" on Diis X-Box. I just don't get that remote!
8/1, First day in school:
After a to short cristmas break it was time to get back to the school and I think every one fellt a little tired that day.
Dannini looking tired... or like a roaring lion! :)
Elini... don't know what she looks like, but at least something funny!
Moe looking creapy, she better look up so she dosn't scares the 7:th graders. Don't get how Philip can be togther with her, the are totaly eachothers opposites.
I, looking wierd... again!
9/1, Second day in school:
This morning all the buses did't show upp, it was just the bus from my village that showed up. That I know anyway.
I, a good picture!! *in shock*
Dannini in the sports room. I tock this when Johan (our teacher) were unlocking the gym in the basement. That lesson we played badminton the whole time, FUN!
10/1, Thourth day in school:
This day I was really happy becaus we got our first germany homework the day before, so I was dressed so nice to show what I felt about it... But I doubt that anyone understaned that.
Dannini looking... um... Well, something... What she holds is our beloved homework! :)
Me in my cute outfit... I like this photo!!
11/1, Sick day:
This day I was sick and didn't go to school.

4-5/1, Horror Eve:
The horror eve is something that is in every holliday. We get together some friends and watch horror movies.

6/1, Gathering at our place:
After everyone had sleapt for a long time I and Lii invited some friends for some coffee.

After a while (two hours) Dii had to goe home and I, Lii, Dannini, Philip and Moe went to Moes place and watched a game that everyone, exept me, think is soo scary. It was a girl who was in a dream and were going to kill ghosts whit a camera. The ghosts coomes up whitout a warning and everytime they did Lii, Moe and Dannini jumped high of fear. Philip didn't becaus he was the one that played it, don't know how scarry he thinks it is. I didn't thought it was so scarry, the only time i jumped a little was when the ghost whit the axe showed up cuz he was so loud. I usaly don't like this type of games, to little shotguns, and to mutch unrealistic things, games should be like Quake 4 if I'm gonna like them.

7/1, in Bomans slope:
When we were at my place we decided to go to the slalom slope (called Bomans slope),But Moe and Philip didn't show up, betrayers... But it was fun anyway!

After we got picked up we went to Dii to relax. Dannini were going to leave Philip at the train station, so it was just me, Lii and Dii.

8/1, First day in school:
After a to short cristmas break it was time to get back to the school and I think every one fellt a little tired that day.

9/1, Second day in school:
This morning all the buses did't show upp, it was just the bus from my village that showed up. That I know anyway.

10/1, Thourth day in school:
This day I was really happy becaus we got our first germany homework the day before, so I was dressed so nice to show what I felt about it... But I doubt that anyone understaned that.

11/1, Sick day:
This day I was sick and didn't go to school.