"We will become better than Linux", says Bob Muglia on Microsoft. Concurrent recognizes he three areas there Linux today is by far the best, boozing era computers, webb and security.

- Boozing era computers, that area may Linux still so long, but Microsoft will become better.
- The webb is dominated of Linux and Apache but Microsoft tries to take again the lead.
- Security, there, we have still nothing to come with, but within a pair years will we flog Linux.

My point is that they got the whole world against them, because Linux got everything open-sourced, so everyone can help to make Linux better and better. I myself have Fedora Core 4 on my computer at my dad and Ferora Core 5 at my mom, and FC5 is so flashy!
And to everyone that are going to buy a new computer; try to get a computer without anything on it, why pay 2000-3000 more just to have virus. And, Linux is free and totaly safe.
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