Tuesday, April 03, 2007


On saturday I was on IKEA in Haparanda and there I saw this sexy (exuce my language) Finnish man. He had red hair and a comb and was there with two girls and another man. This was on the 31:th of March.
I was wering a gray skirt with black skulls on it, a black and white striped sweather, gray pantyhose, pink (at least from the beginning) sneakers and had big black sunglasses on top of my head.
Now to the point, I would like, I don't know, know him - or you, if you se this, one in a milion chance - because I havn't been able to stop thinking of him since saturday!
Anyway, I'm just stupid who wright this here, no chance at all that he would see this, but atleast I haven't giv up yet!
Night, gonna sleep now...


Anonymous said...

Veronica tänker du på den där killen än? Nog finns det väl snyggare. kram Bea

Anonymous said...

Har du msn veronica,i så fall kan du väl komma in nån gång och säga hej.Kram Bea