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In the city
Today I, Lydia, Felicia, Daniella, Matilda, Rebecca and Ellen was in the city and shopped christmas presents. We meet outside McDonnald's at 12:00 and Lydia introduced me and Felicia to Matilda and Rebeca, becaus its her friends. After that we went to Åhlens and stayed there for one hour. I foun a present there, but I'm not gonna tell what I found or to who i found it for... yet. After that we went to Strand (mall) and I bought a blueberry milkshake there and after that we
went to Bokia (bookshop) and found a present there to! We also looked at some manga magazins (don't realy know how to put this in english) and had fun. After that we went to Alla Smycken 19:- (All jewelry 19 sek, a jewelry shop) andjust looked around before we left Strand for Smedjan (another mall). There we went to Akademibokhandeln (another bookshop) and I and Ellen found some cool note books that we bought. They was black whit red flames on it. After that we went to a cosy café named Take Away and relaxed a bit, it was realy expencive there but nice so it doesn't matter.
After that we went to Tiimari (a finnish shop) and there I found a present, four small buddah statues and a pink note book. After beeing there a loooong while we went to Shopping (a third mall) and to Indiska (a indian shop), but we were just there for a short while. And after that we went to EB Games (game shop) and looked for presents, but I just thought it was boring things there. After that Matilda and Rebecca had to go becaus there lift were gonna pick them up soon. The rest of us went to HM (clothes shop) and tryed ALOT of clothes. I found a set that I liked verry mutch, A red long sleeved shirt, red and black checked thights and black brace shorts. It was a realy cool outfit. We were at HM till they closed, 16:00, and then our ride came and picked us up for dinner.
I can have forgott some places we went to, but its no bigg deal, the main thing is that we had fun and I'v gott to know two new people.
1 comment:
Shit! I wrote about the presents! Maybe I shouldn't have done that..
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