Thursday, December 14, 2006

Last things

On tuesday was my youngest sister, Felicia, birthday and my aunt, her husband and their kids came and had some coffee. I just LOVE my cusins!! Their names are Rasmus, 2 years, and Albin, ½ year. They are soo ADORABLE and I just love them!

From left:

Rasmus, Jonas (hes dad), Albin, Erik (my stepbrother).

And the cake was WONDERFUL!! It was strawberry and realy yummy!
I love it, we had an choklat cake too, but I like the pink one better. Tasted sweet and hevenley good.
Anyway, back to my sister. She got a lot of presents, Sims 2, Power! (a manga), Across the Nightingale Floor, Grass for his Pillow and Brilliance of the Moon by Lian Hearn. She also got kina sticks, dressing gown and Drakmånad (Dragon month) by Åke Edwardson.
That was the first thing that was the last time, Felicia turning 12 years.

The other last thing was the lucia processions in Felicias school. She is in 6:th grade and all of we sisters have been in that church in that
lucia processions, a tradition.
It was fun to see it and it was not that bad as I thougth. They jused to sing so fals that I can't stand it, but this time it was diferent, it was even fun!
My cusine Denise, on my mothers side, was Lucia and it was beautiful.

Denise in the middle and Felicia three persons away on the right.

Felicia is the one who's looking down.

It is quite sad that I never will see this again, but I love that I had a chance to see this things.
Got to stop before this turns nagging, got to go! :)

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